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Screwdrivers are the products used to tighten various screws by turning them clockwise. Screwdrivers, the most common tool among hand tools, come in many designs with bits and different screw types. Although the tip types are different from each other, generally Phillips or flat type screwdrivers are among the most common hand tools.

You can find many screwdriver models that you want to buy with Cerpa Norm. You can access and buy all screwdriver models with a wide variety of features, as well as a fixed or replaceable mechanism in the bit type. Among the many screwdriver models you can filter using the website, are you looking for starry and magnetic or flat and magnetic models, you can take a look at all of them.

What Does a Magnet Screwdriver Do?
While using square, star, hexagonal, flat or many screwdriver models to tighten or loosen various screws, there are varieties according to the areas of magnets among different models. In general, with the loosening of the screws, it will be very difficult to take them with your hands in a cramped area, so the magnet feature on the screwdriver tip helps you prevent the screw from falling out or similar situations.

At the same time, in cases where the screw cannot reach your hand when you want to install a screw in a narrow area, it may be possible to insert it together with the magnetic screwdriver tip. For this, you can make your selections according to your needs on the website where you can browse all the models, and you can make your selections as you wish with magnetic screwdrivers as the best screwdriver.

Our screwdriver types are among the most preferred products of recent times. You can visit our related page to get information about the product.